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Common additives for water-based inks

Date: Jul 18 2024  From: Star Color   

In the printing process of water-based ink, additives are often needed to ensure the stability of the ink and the printing effect. These additives can adjust the pH value, viscosity, drying speed, and other properties of ink, thereby overcoming the weaknesses and defects of water-based ink and improving and enhancing various properties. Here are some commonly used water-based ink additives and their functions:

PH stabilizer:
Function: Mainly used to adjust the pH value of ink and ensure the stability of ink during the printing process. A low pH value of ink wash can easily cause ink clumping, while a high pH value can affect its viscosity.
Usage: When the pH value of the ink is below 8, an appropriate amount of pH stabilizer should be added to maintain the pH value of the ink within the appropriate range. European countries often use a pH value of 8.5 as the standard, but in the actual printing process, due to the volatilization of amine solvents, the pH value of ink may change, so continuous testing and adjustment are needed.

Function: Used to solve the problem of bubbles generated during ink printing. When the bubbles are large, it can cause phenomena such as white exposure and low ink volume in printed materials, seriously affecting the printing quality.
Usage: It is generally recommended to mix anti foaming agent and surface defoamer in ink to solve the foaming phenomenon of ink, with a usage ratio of 1% to 2%.

Quick drying agent:
Function: Adjust the drying speed of ink to meet the speed requirements of the printing machine and improve production efficiency.
Usage: When the ink drying speed is slow, an appropriate amount of quick drying agent can be added, with a usage ratio of 2% to 3%.

Slow drying agent:
Function: Inhibit and slow down the drying speed of ink, prevent ink from drying on the printing plate or mesh roller, and reduce the occurrence of printing failures such as clogging and sticking.
Usage: Its usage ratio is between 1% and 2%. Overuse may cause incomplete ink drying, dirty printed materials, or produce odors.

Function: Reduce the viscosity of thickened water-based ink without affecting the pH value of the ink.
Usage: The dosage should be controlled within 5% of the total ink volume to prevent low viscosity or the formation of bubbles. The diluent should be added slowly while stirring.

Function: Enhance the adhesion of printing ink or gloss oil to the substrate.
Usage: Its dosage is generally 1% to 2% of the total ink volume.

Static electricity remover:
Function: Effectively prevent the accumulation of static electricity on the printing machine.
Usage: The dosage is generally 0.5% to 1% of the total ink volume.

In addition, anti-wear agents, blockers, thickeners, dispersants, preservatives, leveling agents, lubricants, crosslinking agents, and other additives may also be used in water-based inks. They each have different functions and effects, and can be selected and used according to specific needs and printing conditions.