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Can water-based ink print BOPP?

Date: Jul 22 2024  From: Star Color   

In the packaging industry, BOPP (biaxially oriented polypropylene) film is highly favored due to its excellent physical properties and wide range of applications. However, in today's pursuit of both environmental protection and efficiency, how to achieve high-quality and environmentally friendly printing on BOPP film has become an important issue. Water based ink, as an environmentally friendly printing material, is gradually becoming the preferred choice for BOPP film printing.

BOPP film occupies an important position in various packaging fields such as food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. due to its high transparency, good tensile strength, impact resistance, and barrier properties. However, its lower surface tension poses a challenge for the adhesion of water-based inks. To overcome this challenge, it is usually necessary to pre treat BOPP film, such as corona treatment, to increase its surface tension and enable water-based ink to firmly adhere to the film.

Water based ink has gradually emerged in the printing industry due to its advantages of environmental friendliness, non toxicity, and easy drying. Compared with traditional solvent based inks, water-based inks do not contain harmful solvents, reducing the emission of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and being more environmentally and human health friendly. When selecting water-based ink suitable for BOPP film, it is important to consider performance indicators such as adhesion, light resistance, water resistance, and drying speed. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the chemical composition and physical properties of the ink and BOPP film are compatible, in order to avoid chemical reactions or poor adhesion.

Printing water-based ink on BOPP film requires the development of corresponding process plans based on the printing method and equipment characteristics. Different printing methods (such as flexographic printing, gravure printing, etc.) have different performance requirements for ink, and it is necessary to choose water-based ink that matches them. In addition, the performance of printing equipment directly affects the printing effect. Therefore, before printing, it is necessary to debug and calibrate the equipment to ensure that the viscosity, drying speed, and other parameters of the ink meet the process requirements. At the same time, attention should be paid to controlling the temperature and humidity conditions in the printing workshop to provide a good environment for the drying of water-based ink.

With the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and technological advancement, the application prospects of water-based ink in BOPP film printing will be even broader. In the future, with the continuous development and promotion of new water-based inks, as well as the continuous optimization and upgrading of printing equipment and processes, the integration of BOPP film and water-based inks will become even closer and more efficient.

As a manufacturer that researches and produces water-based ink, Huizhou StarColor provides water-based ink that can be used to print BOPP film very well. It not only has high adhesion and bright colors, but also is resistant to water and high temperature. If you also need to print water-based ink on BOPP film, please feel free to inquire.