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The advantages of water-based ink printing napkins

Date: Jul 23 2024  From: Star Color   

Water based ink, as an environmentally friendly and non-toxic printing material, is increasingly widely used in the field of napkin printing. Napkins have particularly high safety requirements due to their need to come into contact with the human body, and water-based ink can meet this requirement very well. Next, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of printing napkins with water-based ink.

Environmentally friendly and non-toxic:
The biggest advantage of water-based ink is its environmental friendliness. It does not contain volatile organic solvents (VOCs), and does not release toxic or harmful substances during use, which is harmless to human health. At the same time, it reduces the discharge of exhaust gas and wastewater during the printing process, which helps improve environmental quality. This characteristic makes water-based ink an ideal choice for printing everyday items such as napkins.

Safety and hygiene:
As daily necessities that come into direct contact with human skin, the safety of napkins is crucial. Paper napkins printed with water-based ink will not fade, blur or fade when exposed to water, maintaining the clarity and brightness of the pattern, ensuring the safety and hygiene of the product.

Good printing effect:
Water based ink has bright colors and high saturation, which can meet the high requirements for pattern color in napkin printing. At the same time, water-based ink printing is less prone to clogging, ink flying, and other phenomena, which improves printing efficiency and quality, making printed products more beautiful and attractive.

Good economy:
Although the initial investment of water-based ink may be high, in the long run, its advantages of high printing efficiency, low ink consumption, and low maintenance costs gradually emerge. This helps to reduce unit costs and improve economic efficiency.

The advantages of water-based ink printing napkins

The drying speed is relatively slow:
Due to the high boiling point and evaporation heat of water in water-based inks, the drying speed of printed materials is relatively slow. This may require additional drying equipment or time to ensure that the printed material is completely dry. In printed materials such as napkins that require rapid drying, this drawback needs special attention.

High requirements for paper:
The surface strength, ink absorption, smoothness, and moisture content of napkins have a significant impact on the printing effect. In order to achieve good printing results, it is necessary to choose high-quality napkin materials. This has to some extent increased production costs and procurement difficulties.

Relatively poor glossiness:
Compared to traditional ink, napkins printed with water-based ink may have slightly lower glossiness. Although this gap is gradually narrowing with the development of technology, careful selection is still necessary in certain application scenarios that require high glossiness.

High requirements for operation and maintenance:
The printing process of water-based ink is relatively complex and requires operators to have certain skills and experience. At the same time, in order to maintain the stability of ink performance and the normal operation of printing equipment, regular maintenance and upkeep are also necessary. This increases the difficulty and cost of management in the production process.

As a well-known water-based ink manufacturer, Huizhou Starcolor specializes in producing safe and environmentally friendly water-based ink. When printing napkins, you can choose Starcolor flexographic water-based ink.