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Reasons for color fading of water-based ink printed woven bags?

Date: Jul 24 2024  From: Star Color   

Recently, someone asked about the issue of color fading when printing plastic woven bags with water-based ink. Therefore, I have compiled a list for your reference:

Possible reasons
Poor surface treatment of woven bags:
Insufficient corona treatment on the surface of woven bags results in insufficient surface energy, making it difficult for ink to firmly adhere.

Ink formula does not match woven bag material:
The difference in hydrogen bonding strength between ink and woven bag substrate leads to poor ink printing.

Improper control of printing environment:
Excessive temperature or relative humidity in the printing workshop can affect the drying effect and adhesion of ink.
The low humidity in the workshop may generate static electricity and also affect the adhesion of ink.

Improper selection or use of ink:
Ink is too thin and lacks viscosity, resulting in insufficient ink penetration.
The low resin content in the ink system affects the adhesion and wear resistance of the ink.

Printing speed and drying conditions:
The printing speed is too fast, and the ink is not fully dried before being rewound or stacked, resulting in ink layer adhesion or color fading.
The drying device is not working properly, such as incorrect angles or malfunctions, which can affect the drying effect of the ink.

Ensure that the surface treatment of the woven bag is in place:
Strengthen the corona treatment on the surface of woven bags to achieve a surface energy of about 38 dynes, in order to improve the adhesion of ink.

Choose the appropriate ink:
Choose ink that matches the material of the woven bag, ensuring that the dissolved hydrogen bonding strength of the ink is similar to that of the woven bag substrate.
Choose ink with moderate viscosity and high resin content to improve the adhesion and wear resistance of the ink.

Control the printing environment:
Control the relative humidity of the workshop between 50% -60%, keep the room temperature between 18-23 degrees, and maintain a clean and well ventilated environment.
Avoid workshop humidity that is too low or too high to reduce the impact of static electricity and humidity on ink adhesion.

Adjust printing speed and drying conditions:
Adjust the printing speed based on the drying speed of the ink and the performance of the printing machine to ensure that the ink has sufficient time to dry.
Regularly inspect and maintain the drying device to ensure its normal operation, and adjust the drying angle and temperature as needed
Optimize printing process:
During the printing process, pay attention to controlling the thickness of the ink layer and printing pressure to avoid excessive ink thickness or printing pressure that may cause ink to penetrate to the back.
For woven bags that are prone to ink leakage, composite films or other lining materials can be considered to block ink penetration.

Strengthen follow-up processing:
The printed products should be stored separately with sufficient interval time, and then packaged and stacked after complete drying to avoid adhesion or color fading between ink layers.

In summary, by optimizing the surface treatment of woven bags, selecting appropriate inks, controlling the printing environment, adjusting the printing speed and drying conditions, and optimizing the printing process, the problem of color fading in water-based ink printed plastic woven bags can be effectively solved.