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Why does plastic film require corona discharge

Date: Jul 08 2023  From: Star Color   

Plastic film often requires corona discharge treatment to improve its surface energy and make it more receptive to coatings, inks, adhesives, and other materials. The corona discharge process involves the use of high-voltage electricity to create an ionized gas or plasma around the surface of the plastic film.

Here's why corona discharge is used for plastic film treatment:

1.Surface Activation: Plastic films have inherently low surface energy, which makes it difficult for liquids, such as coatings or inks, to adhere to them. The corona discharge treatment increases the surface energy of the film by introducing polar groups and functionalizing the surface. This enhanced surface energy allows for better wetting and bonding of materials applied to the film.

2.Improved Adhesion: By increasing the surface energy, corona discharge treatment improves the adhesion properties of the plastic film. This is particularly important when applying coatings, laminates, or adhesives to the film, as it helps ensure a strong and durable bond.

3.Printing Quality: In the case of printing on plastic films, corona discharge treatment is crucial. It promotes better ink adhesion and prevents issues like ink spreading or feathering, resulting in sharper and more precise prints.

4.Coating Uniformity: Corona treatment facilitates the application of coatings or thin films to plastic surfaces by creating a uniform surface. It helps to eliminate surface imperfections and contaminants that could affect the coating's uniformity and quality.

5.Cleaning and Activation: Corona discharge also serves as a cleaning mechanism, removing dust, oils, and other contaminants from the film's surface. It clears away any substances that may hinder the adhesion or coating processes. Additionally, it activates the surface, making it more chemically reactive and ready for subsequent treatments.

It's important to note that corona discharge is just one method used for surface treatment in the plastics industry. Other techniques, such as flame treatment or plasma treatment, may also be employed based on the specific requirements of the plastic film and the desired outcome.