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Here's what you need to know about food-grade water-based inks

Date: Sep 06 2023  From: Star Color   

What is food grade water-based ink?

Food grade water-based ink is a printing ink used for food packaging, which is safe, environmentally friendly, and healthy in accordance with national hygiene and food safety standards.It is mainly composed of water-based resin, pigment, additives, etc., of which water-based resin is the main component, is the adhesive of ink, can be the pigment and additives firmly bonded to the printing material.Food grade water-based ink does not contain organic solvents and volatile organic compounds during the printing process, and does not produce harmful gases and substances to the human body. It is a printing material that meets environmental requirements.At the same time, it also has excellent adhesion, wear resistance, water resistance, temperature resistance and other properties, suitable for printing various types of food packaging material.

National standard for food-grade water-based ink:

GB 9685-2016 《Hygienic Standards for Additives Used in Food Contact Materials and Product》;

GB 4806.1-2016 《Food Safety National Standard Food Contact materials and products General safety requirements》;

GB/T 28219-2011 《General Technical Requirements for Food Packaging Printing Inks》;

GB/T 18916.21-2016 《Water-based printing inks Part 21: Water-based printing inks for food packaging》.

The difference between food-grade water-based inks and usable inks:

Food-grade water-based inks and edible inks are both materials used to print food packaging materials, but they have some differences in composition, application range and so on.

Ingredients: The ingredients of food grade water-based ink mainly include pigments, resins, solvents, additives, etc., while the ingredients of edible ink mainly include edible vegetable oil, edible pigments, puffing agents, etc.The main difference between the two is that the edible ink uses special edible vegetable oil, which can be directly used as a food additive.

Applied range: Food-grade water-based ink is mainly suitable for printing food packaging materials, such as beverage bottles, food bags, etc., can be directly in contact with food.

Security:Food-grade water-based inks need to go through a certain drying process after printing to ensure the safety of printing materials.The edible ink is printed directly on the surface of the food, so the safety requirements of the material are higher.
 food-grade water-based inks
Application of food-grade water-based ink:

Food-grade water-based ink is widely used in the field of food packaging, for printing food packaging bags, beverage packaging, bottle caps, cans, napkins, paper cups and other food contact materials.These printed materials need to meet national hygiene and food safety standards, and food grade water-based inks can provide protection for food and the environment, with safety, environmental protection, and health characteristics.