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The influence of surface treatment technology of non-woven water-based ink on printing effect

Date: Jan 18 2024  From: Star Color   

With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the application of non-woven water-based ink in the printing industry is more and more extensive.Non-woven water-based ink with water as solvent has the advantages of non-toxic, tasteless, non-combustible and so on, which meets the requirements of modern green printing.However, the printing effect of non-woven water-based inks is affected by many factors, among which surface treatment technology is a key factor.This paper will discuss the surface treatment technology of non-woven water-based ink on its printing effect.

The influence of surface treatment technology on printing effect

surface tension

The printing effect of non-woven water-based ink is closely related to the surface tension of the substrate material.The surface tension determines the ability of the ink to moisten and expand on the surface of the material.In general, ink on the surface of low surface tension material is more difficult to wet, easy to form a beaded phenomenon, resulting in color is not full, poor adhesion and other problems.Therefore, by increasing the surface tension, the ink can better wet the substrate material, improve the fluidity and uniformity of the ink, and thus improve the printing effect.The commonly used methods to increase surface tension include corona treatment, flame treatment, plasma treatment, etc.

surface roughness

The surface roughness of the substrate material will also affect the printing effect of non-woven water-based ink.The surface roughness determines the contact area and adhesion firmness between the ink and the material surface.On rough surfaces, the ink can be better embedded in the microstructure of the material, forming a stronger adhesion and better color effect.However, excessively rough surfaces may cause problems such as uneven ink distribution and color distortion.Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate surface roughness according to the requirements of the printing effect.Common surface roughening methods include sandpaper grinding, chemical etching,etc.

Surface polarity

The surface polarity of the substrate material also affects the adhesion and wettability of the non-woven water-based ink.Because the water-based ink itself is polar, it has good wettability and adhesion on the surface of polar materials.By changing the surface polarity of the non-polar material, the binding force between the ink and the material surface can be improved, thereby improving the printing effect.The common surface polarization methods include chemical treatment and plasma treatment.
non-woven water-based ink
Case study of surface treatment technology to printing effect

In order to explain the effect of surface treatment technology on the printing effect of non-woven water-based ink, we carried out a series of experiments.In the experiment, three different non-woven materials were selected, and different surface treatment techniques were used respectively, and the printing effect was evaluated.Here is a case study of some of the experimental results:

The influence of corona treatment on printing effect

The experimental results show that the surface tension of the corona treated material is significantly improved, and the wettability and adhesion of the ink are significantly improved.Color brightness, printing clarity and other aspects have also been improved.This is mainly because corona treatment can change the charge distribution on the surface of the material and increase the surface energy, thereby improving the wettability and adhesion of the ink.

Effect of flame treatment on printing effect

The experimental results show that flame treatment can effectively increase the surface roughness of the material, thus improving the adhesion and color brightness of the ink.However, excessive flame treatment may cause the structure of the material surface to be destroyed, affecting the printing effect.Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably control the degree of flame treatment in practical applications.

Influence of plasma treatment on printing effect

The experimental results show that plasma treatment can change the polarity of the material surface and increase the surface energy, so as to improve the wettability and adhesion of non-woven water-based ink.Plasma treatment can also increase the surface roughness of the material, further improve the adhesion and color brightness of the ink.This processing method has high flexibility and applicability, and suitable parameter Settings can be selected according to different printing requirements.

This paper discusses the influence of surface treatment technology of water-based ink for non-woven fabric on its printing effect.The results show that the wettability and adhesion of the ink can be improved significantly through reasonable surface treatment technology, and the printing effect can be improved.In practical applications, it is necessary to choose the appropriate surface treatment method according to different substrate materials and printing requirements.Future research can further explore the new surface treatment technology and optimize the process parameters of the existing technology to improve the printing effect of non-woven water-based ink and expand its application range.At the same time, it should also pay attention to environmental protection and sustainable development issues, and seek more green and sustainable surface treatment technology to reduce the impact on the environment and promote the sustainable development of the printing industry.
non-woven water-based ink