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How to choose the connection material of water-based ink

Date: Aug 24 2023  From: Star Color   

Choosing the right connection material for water-based ink involves considering several factors to ensure compatibility, performance, and safety. The connection materials refer to the components used in the ink delivery system, such as pipes, fittings, and containers. Here are some steps to help you make the right choice:

1.Know the ink composition: Understand the specific components and chemical composition of the water-based ink you plan to use. Water-based inks can contain various pigments, binders, additives, and surfactants. Some inks may be more corrosive or abrasive than others, so this information is crucial for selecting compatible materials.

2.Material compatibility: Evaluate the compatibility of the ink with different materials. Commonly used connection materials include stainless steel, various types of plastics (e.g., polypropylene, PVC, polyethylene), and certain types of rubber or elastomers. Ensure that the chosen material is resistant to corrosion, swelling, or degradation when in contact with the ink.

3.Chemical resistance: Choose materials that have excellent chemical resistance to the ink's components. Water-based inks may contain solvents, dyes, or other chemicals that can interact with certain materials and compromise the quality of the ink or damage the ink delivery system.

4.Ink adhesion and contamination: Consider the material's ability to resist ink adhesion or contamination. Some materials may promote ink adhesion, leading to clogging or undesirable mixing, while others may release particles or chemicals into the ink.

5.Flow and pressure requirements: Ensure the selected connection material can handle the flow rates and pressure levels required for your specific printing or application process. Inks with high viscosity might require different materials than those with lower viscosity.

6.Temperature resistance: Determine the operating temperature range of the ink and choose materials that can handle these temperatures without deforming, melting, or becoming brittle.

7.Food and safety regulations: If the ink will come into contact with food or beverages (e.g., for packaging applications), ensure that the connection material complies with relevant food safety regulations and standards.

8.Durability and maintenance: Consider the durability of the connection material and its ease of maintenance. Materials that are easy to clean and maintain will contribute to the overall efficiency of the ink delivery system.

9.Environmental impact: Whenever possible, choose connection materials that are environmentally friendly and can be recycled or disposed of responsibly.

10.Consult with suppliers: Talk to ink manufacturers and suppliers of connection materials to get their recommendations and expertise. They can provide valuable insights and offer products specifically designed for water-based ink applications.

In summary, the choice of connection material for water-based ink should be based on a comprehensive understanding of the ink composition, compatibility, chemical resistance, temperature range, and specific application requirements. Consulting with experts and suppliers will ensure you make the most informed decision.
 water-based ink