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Flexographic water-based ink printing on paper bowls

Date: Aug 26 2023  From: Star Color   

As a common catering container, paper bowls have a huge market demand, including the catering market, social activities market, food packaging market and family life market.With the continuous improvement of consumers' demand for health, convenience and environmental protection, the market demand for paper bowls as an environmentally friendly and convenient catering containers will continue to grow.

Usually, some patterns will be printed outside the paper bowl, such as the manufacturer's logo, publicity information, or other design patterns, how to judge the printing ink outside the paper bowl is printed with safe and environmentally friendly ink.

Observation of printing effect: The paper bowl printed with water-based ink has a clear, bright, and colorful printing effect. Paper bowls printed with inferior ink may have issues such as blurriness and uneven color.

Smell: Paper bowls printed with water-based ink do not contain volatile organic compounds, so there is no pungent odor. Paper bowls printed with traditional ink may emit pungent chemical odors.

Check the logo: Some paper bowls printed with water-based ink will be labeled with the words "use food grade water-based ink" on the packaging, or with the words "environmentally friendly" at the bottom of the paper bowl, which can be judged by these marks.

Of course, the above are only preliminary viewing methods and cannot be 100% recognized. Paper bowls that are truly safe, environmentally friendly, and meet food grade standards are generally printed with flexographic water-based ink.

Flexographic water-based ink is an environmentally friendly printing material commonly used for printing paper packaging materials, labels, paper bags, posters, and other products. However, whether it is suitable for printing paper bowls requires consideration of multiple factors.

Firstly, printing paper bowls requires the use of food grade ink, as the ink can come into contact with food. If the ink contains harmful ingredients, it can have an impact on human health.Therefore, when selecting flexographic water-based inks, it is necessary to ensure that they comply with food safety standards, such as the EU framework regulations and the US FDA standards.

Secondly, the printing paper bowl also needs to consider its high-temperature resistance performance.Paper bowls are usually used to load hot drinks, hot soup and other foods, so the ink needs to be resistant to high temperatures to avoid transfer during heating.When choosing flexographic water-based ink, you need to check its product manual to understand its high temperature resistance and the corresponding heating conditions.

In addition, because the paper bowl is easy to be soaked in liquid, it is necessary to choose ink that is resistant to water and grease.This can ensure that the ink does not fall off or shift when in contact with the liquid, which affects the quality of the printed product.

It should be noted that even if the flexographic water-based ink meets the above standards, it does not mean it can be directly used for printing paper bowls.During the printing process, other materials such as auxiliary agents may be used, and the safety of these materials also needs to be evaluated.Therefore, while selecting the ink, it is also necessary to consider the safety of the materials involved in the entire printing process.
Flexographic water-based ink
Flexographic water-based ink also needs to meet the following specific requirements in order to achieve the best results when printing paper bowls:

Strong adaptability: Flexographic water-based inks must be able to adapt to a variety of paper materials and work well in different printing machines and printing conditions.

Easy to process: Flexographic water-based ink needs to have good flowability and wettability, in order to quickly and evenly distribute on the printing plate during the printing process, and is easy to dry after printing.

Good color and gloss: Printing paper bowls usually need to have bright, long-lasting color and good gloss, and flexographic water-based inks need to be able to achieve these effects on paper bowls.

Good stability: Flexographic water-based inks need to have stable performance so that there is no quality change or degradation during long-term storage or use.