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Uneven glossiness of water-based ink in cardboard boxes

Date: Jul 17 2024  From: Star Color   

Due to its environmentally friendly characteristics, many cardboard boxes now use water-based ink for printing. With the improvement of water-based ink technology in recent years, there have been significant advances in color, glossiness, and adhesion. If uneven glossiness occurs when using water-based ink to print cardboard boxes, it may be caused by the following reasons:

1、 The quality of the ink itself
Insufficient glossiness additive: Insufficient glossiness additive content or uneven dispersion in ink can directly affect the glossiness effect of the printed surface.
Poor fineness: The size of pigment particles in ink and their uniform dispersion in the binder (i.e. fineness) can also affect glossiness. The finer the fineness, the higher the glossiness, but excessive particle size may lead to excessive fluidity, affecting the uniformity of glossiness.
Unstable pH value: Ink with a pH value that is too high or too low can affect its stability and dryness, thereby affecting its glossiness. Improper pH value may cause fluctuations in ink performance during the drying process, resulting in uneven glossiness.

2、 Printing process conditions
Uneven printing pressure: If the pressure is uneven during the printing process, it can cause inconsistent adhesion of ink on the substrate, thereby affecting glossiness.
Improper control of drying speed: Ink drying speed that is too fast or too slow can lead to uneven glossiness. Drying too quickly may cause uneven drying layers on the surface of the ink, while drying too slowly may result in uneven ink flow during the printing process.
Printing speed: Changes in printing speed can also affect the transfer and drying effect of ink, thereby affecting glossiness.

Uneven glossiness of water-based ink in cardboard boxes

3、 Characteristics of printing materials
Surface roughness of materials: The surface roughness of printing materials can affect the adhesion and drying effect of ink. Materials with excessively rough surfaces may not form a uniform glossy layer.
Material absorbency: Different materials have different absorbency, which affects the penetration and drying speed of ink. Materials with excessive absorption may cause ink to quickly penetrate the interior, resulting in a decrease in surface glossiness.

4、 Environmental factors
Temperature and humidity: The temperature and humidity in the printing workshop have an impact on the drying speed and flowability of ink. Improper temperature and humidity may cause fluctuations in ink performance, thereby affecting glossiness.
Air quality: Dust and other impurities in the air may adhere to the surface of ink or printing materials, affecting glossiness.

Improvement measures
Optimize ink formula: Choose high-quality ink, ensure that it contains sufficient gloss additives, and control the fineness and pH value of the ink.
Adjust printing process: Maintain uniform printing pressure, control drying speed and printing speed reasonably, and ensure that ink forms a uniform glossy layer on the substrate.
Choose the appropriate printing material: Choose the appropriate printing material according to the printing needs, avoiding the use of materials with excessively rough surfaces or strong absorbency.
Improve environmental conditions: Maintain appropriate temperature and humidity in the printing workshop, regularly clean the air and equipment, and reduce pollution from dust and particles.

The reasons for uneven glossiness on the surface of water-based ink printed cardboard boxes are multifaceted, and require comprehensive analysis and improvement from multiple aspects such as ink quality, printing technology, substrate characteristics, and environmental factors.

If you encounter similar problems during the printing process, you can contact Huizhou StarColor. Our water-based ink uses high concentration, low viscosity, excellent color saturation and glossiness. Welcome to consult.