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Why do water-based ink printed aluminum foils fade

Date: Jul 17 2024  From: Star Color   

Aluminum foil can also be printed with water-based ink. Aluminum foil, as a non absorbent substrate, poses a significant challenge to water-based ink printing. However, some aluminum foil products that require food grade printing cannot be printed with oil-based ink, so water-based ink has become the best choice. However, due to the poor adsorption of aluminum foil to water-based ink, many inexperienced printing factories may experience color fading after printing. Let's analyze it in detail below.

1、 The quality of the ink itself
Insufficient adhesion: The adhesion of water-based ink on aluminum foil is a key factor affecting the printing effect. If the adhesion of the ink is insufficient, it is easy to cause color fading in the printed text and images. This may be related to the formula of the ink, the type of resin, and its compatibility with aluminum foil.
Poor wear resistance: The wear resistance of ink is also an important factor affecting color fading. If the wear resistance of the ink is insufficient, it is prone to fading due to friction during subsequent processing or use.
Poor drying performance: The drying speed of water-based ink also has a significant impact on the printing effect. If the ink drying speed is too slow or uneven, it may cause the ink layer to be contaminated or scratched before curing, resulting in color fading.

2、 Printing process conditions
Uneven printing pressure: If the pressure is uneven during the printing process, it can cause inconsistent adhesion of ink on the aluminum foil, thereby affecting the printing effect. Insufficient pressure may result in insufficient ink transfer to the aluminum foil, while excessive pressure may damage the ink layer and cause color fading.
Improper control of drying temperature and time: Drying temperature and time have a direct impact on the drying effect of water-based ink. If the drying temperature is too high or the time is too long, it may cause the ink layer to dry excessively and crack; If the temperature is too low or the time is too short, it may cause the ink layer to not completely dry and easily fade.
Printing speed: Printing speed that is too fast or too slow can affect the transfer and drying effect of ink, leading to color fading problems.

3、 Characteristics of Aluminum Foil
Surface characteristics: The surface treatment method and roughness of aluminum foil can affect the adhesion and printing effect of ink. If the surface of the aluminum foil is too smooth or contains impurities such as oil stains and oxides, it may cause insufficient ink adhesion and discoloration.
Material differences: Aluminum foil produced by different manufacturers may have differences in material, which can also affect the adhesion and printing effect of ink. Therefore, when choosing aluminum foil, its compatibility with ink needs to be considered.

Why do water-based ink printed aluminum foils fade

4、 Environmental factors
Temperature and humidity: The temperature and humidity in the printing workshop have an impact on the drying speed and flowability of ink. Improper temperature and humidity may cause fluctuations in ink performance, thereby affecting printing effects and color fading issues.
Air cleanliness: Impurities such as dust and particles in the air may adhere to the surface of ink or aluminum foil, affecting the adhesion and printing effect of ink.

To address the issue of color fading in water-based ink printed aluminum foil, improvements can be made in the following aspects:
Optimize ink formula: Choose water-based ink suitable for aluminum foil printing to ensure good adhesion, wear resistance, and drying performance of the ink.
Adjust printing process: maintain uniform printing pressure, control drying temperature and time reasonably, and choose appropriate printing speed to ensure that ink can be fully transferred to the aluminum foil and form a good adhesion layer.
Improving printing materials: Choose aluminum foil with proper surface treatment and excellent material as the printing material to enhance ink adhesion and printing effect.
Control environmental factors: Maintain appropriate temperature and humidity in the printing workshop, regularly clean the air and equipment, and reduce pollution from dust and particles.

If you have also encountered such problems when printing aluminum foil materials with water-based ink, you can contact us at StarColor. We have a strong technical service team and stable quality water-based ink. We look forward to solving your problem.